
Visiting professors

Rules on the employment of foreign academic teachers under civil law contracts

Rules on the employment


  1. The status of a visiting professor employed at the University of Zielona Góra under a civil law contract may be obtained only by a person who:
    1. holds the academic title of professor or is employed as a university professor at another university, foreign university or foreign scientific institution, or as an institute professor at an institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, a research institute or an international institute;
    2.  does not have Polish citizenship;
    3.  will run in total at least 60 hours of classes at the University of Zielona Góra (UZ) in the academic year in first-, second- and third-cycle studies or single-cycle master's studies or at the Doctoral School of the UZ;
    4. is not employed at the University of Zielona Góra under an employment contract.


  1.  The organizational unit of the UZ that hosts the visiting professor submits an application for the status of a visiting professor to the Rector through the Department of Education. The resolution of the Discipline Council and the Resolution of the Faculty Education Council must be attached to the application.  
  2.  The hosting unit shall have full documentation confirming that the visiting professor holds the academic title of professor or has been employed as a professor at another university, foreign university or foreign scientific institution, or as an institute professor at an institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, a research institute or an international institute.
  3.  The decision to grant the status of a visiting professor employed under a civil law contract is made by the Rector of the University of Zielona Góra.
  4.  The maximum remuneration of the person referred to in §1 shall be PLN 400.00 gross per teaching hour.
  5.  The application with the Rector's decision is submitted to the Education Department.
  6.  The hosting unit shall appoint a person (the assistant) responsible for looking after the person employed as a visiting professor.
  7.  The assistant of the visiting professor, after the Rector's approval, provides the UZ Education Department with personal data necessary to prepare: 
    1. a civil law contract of the visiting professor and an invoice (Appendix No. 2)
    2. information to the Payroll Department (Appendix No. 3).
  8. The Education Department shall keep a register of persons with the status of the visiting professor employed at the University of Zielona Góra under a civil law contract.


  1.  Upon the request of the visiting professor employed under a civil law contract, the university may provide accommodation. The accommodation costs are borne by the UZ organizational unit that hosts the visiting professor.
  2.  The visiting professor shall be paid for conducting classes under a civil law contract concluded on the day of commencement of classes at the latest. Payment is made after submitting a signed invoice and a final report on conducted classes (report sheet containing details of the conducted classes and approved by the head of the organizational unit).
  3.  Within 14 days of the last class conducted by the visiting professor, the assistant of the visiting professor shall submit the final report (report sheet containing details of the conducted classes) approved by the director of the relevant unit.
Document templates:

 Appendix No. 1. Application for the employment of a visiting professor (civil law contract)

Appendix No. 2. Data to the civil law contract and invoice

 Appendix No. 3. Supplementary data

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This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego", POWR.03.05.00-00-Z014/18